Computers are composed of various components or parts. These parts are collectively called PC hardware. The main components of a PC’s hardware include the CPU, mouse and display screen monitor, hard drive, keyboard, CD drive, and other parts. A computer can be purchased from a company that is reputable or assembled by a professional computer program person. You can buy individual components online and offline if a part of your computer is damaged.
Computer hardware can also include new items like scanners, sound cards, and internet modems. Each computer is unique and may have different properties, such as RAM or CPU model details.
Let’s look at some of the most critical components of computer hardware:
* CPU –This is the brain of the computer. This part is also known as the Central Processing Unit. It acts as a processor. Intel produces the Pentium Chip model, which is one of the most well-known processors. Most computer manufacturing companies use Intel processors all around the globe.
* MouseThis hardware is necessary for desktop models, such as navigational objects, click on various options, select different objects, and access the required information on the computer screen. To access information, there are two buttons on the mouse. There are many options for mouse types on the market today, such as laser or ball mice. They all have the same purpose: to access computerized information from the CPU.
* Hard DiskThis device is used to store data. The speed of a hard drive is a key factor in computing’s overall performance. A computer that has a faster hard disk rotation speed will be able to run at high speeds.
* RAMAlso known as Random Access Memory, it allows temporary information to be stored in the CPU. These temporary files are deleted when the computer is turned off. The RAM size is also a factor in the computer’s performance.
* KeyboardThis is the most critical part of computer hardware. The keyboard allows users to type-specific commands using alphabets, numbers, or signs. Other function keys include Control, Alter delete, F keys, and Page up/down. A standard keyboard has 101 keys. They are designed to be faster and more intuitive.
Additional computer hardware includes scanners, joysticks, external drives, printers, and servers. It can be difficult to find the right computer hardware part you need. There are many models, styles, and designs available. It is a good idea to get some information about the particular computer hardware part you are looking to purchase.
Online computer hardware retailers and hardware dealers are available. You can find trustworthy and genuine manufacturers or retailers online using directories.
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Computer hardware is any component that has a circuit board, ICs, or other electronic components. The screen where you are looking at this page is an example of hardware. It doesn’t matter if it is a smartphone, tablet, or computer monitor; it is hardware.
Hardware is what makes your computer possible. Without it, the software cannot be used. This is an example of an external hardware peripheral, the Logitech Webcam. This hardware peripheral allows users to capture videos and photos, then transmit them via the Internet.
Types of Hardware
Hardware External to Internal
Internal Hardware: Hardware found within your computer, and possibly in other computers, is called internal hardware.
Ex. Ex.
1. Motherboard
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. Heat Sank
5. RAM
6. Rom
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply).
10. Modem
1. Motherboard: This is the main part of a computer. It is also known by the System Board. This is the main printed part of the computer. It contains sockets that receive power and communicate with RAM and CPU.
2. The processor (CPU), is a device that handles all instructions received from software and hardware.
3. Fan: A hardware device that circulates air around the component or computer to cool it or keep it cool. This is an example fan mounted on a heatsink. It can be found on top of the CPU or processor. This helps pull the processor’s hot air out and cools it down.
4. Heat Sink: An electronic device that includes either a fan or a palter device, to cool a hot component like a processor.
5. Network Card: This is an expansion card that allows a computer to connect with a network. It can be used to connect to a home network or the Internet via an Ethernet cable using an RJ45 connector.
6. Sound Card: A sound card, also known as an expansion card or IC, is a device that produces sound on a computer. It can be used to produce sound through headphones or speakers. The computer doesn’t need sound devices to work, but they are available in either an expansion slot (onboard) or directly in the motherboard.
7. SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supplies): An electronic circuit that converts electricity using switching devices at high frequencies. Storage components such as capacitors or inductors are used to store power when the switching device’s non-conduction state is active.
8. Modem: A modem is a device that converts incoming digital signals from a computer to analog signals. It also demodulates the incoming signal and converts it into a digital signal for the device.
External Hardware: Hardware found outside the computer’s reach is called External Hardware.
Ex. External Hardware
1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. 3.
4. Microphone
5. 5.
6. Projector
7. Joystick
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. Projector
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